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Special Assembly

Special Assembly 1.04.21

This week the Trophy went to Joseph for his great attitude to learning, whilst Leelan got the Manners for always saying please and thank you. Harold received the special effort for working hard to improve his pencil grip. Well done everyone!

Special Assembly 19.03.21

What an AMAZING week we have had. We had a great time being superheroes on Friday and did lots of fun activities. for Red Nose Day. This week the Trophy went to Nancy for always trying her best and being kind and helpful, whilst Lewis got the Manners for never forgetting to say please and thank you. Robyn received the special effort for her all round great work. Well done everyone!

Special Assembly 12.03.21

It has been  AMAZING to have all the children back into Class 4 this week. They are quickly settling back in. We had a lovely special assembly celebrating each other's achievements. This week, Thomas awarded the Trophy for his great attitude to learning and his fabulous handwriting. Felicity received the the Special Award for her amazing sentence writing while Leighton was the awarded the Brilliant manners certificate. 

Special Assembly 11.2.21

Although this week was little bit shorter, we have been really busy doing fantastic work! The trophy this week goes to all of Class Magic who have worked so hard writing their detective stories. Jacob had lovely manners all week and was awarded the manners award. In class 3, Zackary gets the special effort award for answering English question so wonderfully and being an AMAZING story teller! 

The Special Award certificate was awarded to all the children in Class 4 who are working from home for their FABULOUS detective stories. 

Special Assembly 5.2.21

Another week passes in year 1 and that means another week of fantastic work! The trophy this week goes to Jasmine who has just been working so hard and has had a fantastic attitude towards her learning. Jack had lovely manners all week and picks up the manners award for his efforts. In class 3, Edith gets the special effort award for some fantastic maths work. In class 4, Damian has been doing amazing work on Seesaw and gets the special effort award. 

Special Assembly 29th January 2021

Another hard week of work in Year 1. This week the awards go to Felicity who gets the trophy for always trying her best and being helpful, whilst Cairo gets the manners for never forgetting to say please and thank you. For our home learners, Mia in Class 3 gets the special effort for her all round great work and Sophia gets it in Class 4 for always trying hard and making us smile with her zoom backgrounds. Well done everyone!

Special Assembly January 22nd 2021

This week the trophy goes to Blake for always having a great attitude to learning, Nancy was awarded the manners award for brilliant manners all week.

The Special Award for our home learners went to Joseph from class 4 for and Leyland from class 3., both for doing Amazing work on Seesaw. 
