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Week beginning Monday 13th July. In Maths this week we are revising our subtraction skills.

Week beginning Monday 13th July. In Spelling this week the children will be recapping words with ful and less

Week beginning Monday 13th July. In PE this week the children can learn about dance using their knowledge from year 1 based on Toys.

Week beginning Monday 13th July. In music this week the children have some fun songs to learn.

Week beginning Monday 13th July. In mindset and PE this week the children are going to be trying some yoga poses.

Week beginning Monday 13th July. In reading this week the children are reading then answering some questions about a visit to the zoo.

Here is the English for week beginning 6th July.

Here is the Reading comprehension for week beginning 6th July.

Here is the spelling for week beginning 6th July.

Week beginning 6th July. Here are some challenge cards for Growth Mindset.

Week beginning 6th July. In Art we have given you some crafts to make around wellbeing.

Week Beginning 6th July. Here are some Yoga activities for you to have a go at.

Week beginning 29th June. Spike, the hedgehog who lost his prickles.

Week beginning 29th June. Maths focus this week is Money.

Week beginning 29th June. Reading comprehension this week is called Super Samuel

Week beginning 29th June. In Growth Mindset, the focus is on Teamwork.

Week beginning 29th June. In Art, the focus is sculpture.

Week beginning 29th June. In Music, the focus this week is on singing.

Year 2 Ideals

Year 2 Ideals support. Phase 2 to 5 tricky words that your child can read and spell. Phase 5 sounds that your child can read. Year 2 common exception words for your child to read and spell.

Year 2 Ideals writing support for forming lower case and capital letters correctly. Also number support to make sure children can write numbers correctly too.

Great work from Sophia in class 6. She has worked really hard this week to complete the English tasks set. Sophia has really enjoyed the story of The Magic Faraway Tree.

Week beginning 22nd June. This week in English, we will be focusing on descriptive writing, alliterations and asking questions.

Week beginning 22nd June. In Maths we are going to be revising how to count money.

Week beginning 22nd June. This week's reading comprehension is called 'The Greedy Boy'.

Week beginning 22nd June. For spelling this week, you will be looking at 'there, their and they're'.

Week beginning 22nd June. Growth Mindset this week is all about learning how to be safe outside.

Week beginning 22nd June. In Art this week, we are learning how to drawing jungle animals.

Week beginning 22nd June. Music this week is about Elmer the elephant.

Great maths and spelling work from Scarlett Key in class 6. Keep up the home learning guys and send in any pictures of what you have been doing.

Week Beginning 15th June. In English this week, we will be doing lots of sentence work and how to punctuate them.

In Maths this week, we will be revising counting in different steps and comparing numbers and quantities.

Week Beginning 15th June. Spelling and phonics this week is all about Homophones.

Week Beginning 15th June. This week the reading comprehension is all about Emperor Penguins.

Week Beginning 15th June. In Growth Mindset this week, we will look at showing respect to ourselves and others.

Week Beginning 15th June. In Music you will learn how to make a musical instrument out of everyday objects at home.

During this time of uncertainty and while you are not able to come to school like you normally would, we have put together a list of key skills we would hope to see in Year 2. We are going to provide lots of learning opportunities over the coming weeks so you can practice and consolidate these skills.

Well done to Ida and Leo from class 6 being very creative this week. Ida has drawn a picture of the queen in the style of Andy Warhol.Leo has been on the computer to complete his art work. These look great. Keep any pictures of what you guys are getting up to coming in.

Week Beginning 8th June. In English, we are going to be looking at verbs, adjectives and homophones. We are also going to revise the skill of writing commands.

Week Beginning 8th June. Reading Comprehension this week is all about the book, 'The Gruffalo'.

Week Beginning 8th June. Growth Mindset this week is all about the choices that we make.

Week beginning 8th June. In Computing we are going to be looking at how people use computers when they are at work.

Week Beginning 8th June. In Art we are going to be looking at the artist Andy Warhol and his work.

Week Beginning 8th June. In Music, we are going to be looking at music from around the world.

Thank you to Scarlett for sharing her learning about plurals from the tasks set this week. It is great to see work and photos so keep sending them in everyone.

Thank you to Sophia and Scarlett in class 6 for sending in pictures of their art work. Lovely pictures and great to see you enjoying being creative. Keep sending in any pictures we love to see them.

Week beginning 1st June. In English this week we are learning about dinosaurs. We are going to learn a new story and find out some facts about dinosaurs.

Week beginning 1st June phonics. This week in phonics we are looking at writing for plurals using s and es.

Week beginning 1st June Reading. Reading comprehension this week is all about bats. Read the facts and information then answer the questions.

Week beginning 1st June art. This week in art we have a story to read and enjoy. From this draw some sea creatures. Send some pictures in of what you create remember!

Week beginning 1st June Mindset. In mindset this week we are going to be thinking about what we can do when we have some negative feelings to make ourselves feel better.

Week beginning 1st June computing. In computing this week we are going to look into what the term 'coding' means. Reading some information then trying some activities/ games based on coding.

Half Term Activities. In years to come, people will look back at these past few months as a major event in our history. This time will not last forever, and when you are adults you will be telling children about what it was like! This week is your chance to make a Time Capsule! A Time Capsule contains information, photos and drawings to look back on and remember in years to come. You could either print off one of the templates below or design your own. Keep your Time Capsule somewhere safe so you can find them in years to come!

Take a look at this great power point by Ida in class 6. Lots of facts and information about Michael Rosen. Well done Ida I now know more about Michael.

Week beginning 18th May in English this week we are continuing to look at the author Michael Rosen. We are going to lean about Michael growing up then write our own rap in the style of Michael Rosen's rap.

Week beginning 18th May for reading this week we are going to learn more about minibeasts and then answer some questions.

Week beginning May 18th in phonics this week we are looking at the year 2 common exception words and revisiting using apostrophes.

Week beginning 18th May this week in science we are learning about the sea and ocean and what lives there.

Week beginning 18th May in music this week we are learning about rhythm and pulse.

Week beginning 18th May in computing this week we are looking at staying safe while online.

Week beginning 18th May in art this week we are looking at the artist Monet and his pictures of gardens and outside.

Week beginning 18th May in Growth Mindset this week we are learning about setting a goal for us to achieve.

Wow what a busy week. Great to see pictures from Arthur getting outside to complete the science activity at Gedling park. Arthur has then worked very hard to design his own computer game. Shay and Sophia have drawn their self portrait this week as part of the art activity. Keep up the great work everybody.

Week beginning May 11th. In English, we are looking at the Author, Michael Rosen. Have lots of fun learning all about him and the fantastic books he has written.

Week beginning 11th May. In phonics we will be looking at different suffixes that can be added to the end of words.

Week beginning 11th May. In Reading, you will be reading about Oceans, Seas and Coast with some questions to answer.

Week beginning 11th May. In Growth Mindset, we will be looking at our feelings and the feelings of others.

Week beginning 11th May. In Science we will be continuing our learning on habitats.

Week Beginning 11th May. In Computing, you will be looking at programming.

Week beginning 11th May. In Art, you will be looking at portraits and how to draw faces.

Week beginning 11th May. In music you will be learning about minims and semibreves.

Some great work has been sent in this week. Keep it coming. A lovely bright rainbow by Shay. Gloria is showing her art work and a fabulous drawing of a phoenix. Also Scarlett has been working hard on her handwriting this week.

Week Beginning 4th May this week in English we are going to be looking at instruction writing. We are going to look at a book about instructions and compare this to instructions we have at home or have seen before.

Week Beginning 4th May In Maths this week we are going to start by recapping what we know now about position and direction. We are going to make patterns using a variety of shapes. Then look at what co-ordinates are and how we use them.

Week Beginning 4th May For reading this week we are going to be looking at part of the story Charlie and the chocolate factory. Mainly focusing on the character Mr Wonka.

Week Beginning May 4th In Science this week we are going to be looking at the term Microhabitats and minibeasts. The task for this is to go out and find some. Good luck!

Week Beginning 4th May for phonics this week we are looking at the sound 'j' using dge and ge. These activities can be done on paper / in your work book. There is no need to print .

Week Beginning 4th May In art this week we are going to be leaning all about van Gogh and then making our own picture based on one of his.

Week Beginning 4th May In music this week we are going to design our own piece of music. The instruments can be ones we can create at home or use our bodies such as clapping.

Week Beginning 4th May In growth mindset this week we are going to be looking and thinking about believing in ourselves and what we can achieve and feel when we do this.

Week Beginning 4th May In computing this week we are going to be looking at the term 'gaming' and what this means. We are then going to design our own game.

Scarlett in class 6 has created an information power point all about whales. I can see a lot of hard work has gone into this. Great work Scralett thank you for sharing.

Week Beginning 27th April. In English, you will be looking at a story called 'The Whale's Song'. You will make comparisons with last weeks story 'The Tin Forest', sequence the story and do some non fictional research.

Week Beginning 27th April. In Maths, we move into the second week of our learning on Position and Direction. You will build on last weeks learning of directional langiage and turns and you will also learn how to describe movement.

Week Beginning 27th April. In Reading, you have been given some comprehensions to complete about Spring.

Week Beginnning 27th April. In Phonics, there are some activities on the trickier Phase 5 sounds such as split vowel diagraphs, aw, ew, ph and wh.

Week Beginning 27th April. In Geography, our final lesson of the topic is learning all about the continent of Europe.

Week Beginning 27th April. In Growth Mindset you will be looking at all the fantastic strengths that you have and how to develop new strengths.

Week Beginning 27th April. In Music you will build on last weeks learning of crotchets and quavers by adding rests to different sequences and rhythms.

Week Beginning April 27th. In Computing this week, the focus is on typing skills.

Week Beginning 27th April. In Art this week, there are lots of activities linked to our book in English. Have Fun!

Week Beginning 27th April. Here are some practical activites for you to access at home.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020 This week in maths we are focusing on position and direction. There will be lots of new vocabulary but also building on our prior knowledge from year 1.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020. This week we are going to be learning about the story The Tin Forest. We are going to think about vocabulary for the story. From this we are going to create a story map and use this to write sentences to retell the story.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020 Reading Comprehension this week. Read the texts and answer the questions.

Week Beginning 20th April. In Geography we will be exploring the continents of North and South America. We will look at similarities and differences between the two continents.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020. Computing this week we are going to look at how we use the internet to help us learn and find out information.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020 For Growth Mindset this week we are thinking about being positive. Something that we are all doing a great job of at the moment!! This lesson is going to inspire us even more.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020. For PE please find attached lots of different links to some great and fun ways to get our bodies moving.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020. For art this week we are looking at some of the amazing pieces by Pablo Picasso and learning about his background.

Week Beginning 20th April 2020. Music this week is learning about two different notes crotchets and quavers. By the end of this lesson we should know how long these notes represent and be able to clap a beat using these notes.

3rd April 2020

Happy Easter Holidays Year 2!


We have put lots of different Easter activities for you to have a go at during the Easter Holidays.  There are lots of fun Arts and Crafts ideas, some fun Easter quizzes to play either on your own or with family members, some Easter stories to read, and then if you're wanting to keep up your reading and maths during the holidays, then there are a few Easter themed activities for these subjects as well.

Stay safe everyone, enjoy the Easter Eggs and have a good break!

Easter Reading Comprehensions

Year 2 Home Learning Week 2 Week Beginning 30th March 2020

Hope that you are all enjoying this fabulous weather at some point and have had a good week so far yes. If you would like to share what you have been up to at home get in contact at 


Please see below for the learning for week beginning 30th March. Keep safe and look after one another. Year 2 team smiley

Home Learning Week 2. Ruby and her sister have been busy making a beautiful #bebrave #stayhome #staysafe rainbow. Luca has done some fabulous work on the importance of always being kind but especially so in these challenging times.

It is wonderful to see what you have been doing at home. Here is Joshua holding his #bebrave #stayhome rainbow. You could go out for a walk rainbow spotting. See how many you can find!

Week Beginning 30th March. The focus for Maths this week is Statistics and Data Handling. You will be learning about how to make and use tally charts and have fun working with Pictograms.

Week beginning Monday 30th March This week the writing focus is based on poetry. The poem is a funny one which hopefully will make you and your child smile. Your child is going to learn part of the poem to perform and then have a try at writing their own in the same style.

Here is phonics for the week beginning Monday 30th March . Please follow the slides and complete the activities. At the end of each session your child should be able to confidently read and say the sound , write this sound within words then apply this sound within the context of a sentence.

Reading for week beginning Monday 30th March. Have a read of the text then answer the questions in your work books. One is about micro habitats and one about the very popular book character Horrid Henry!

Week Beginning 30th March. In Geography this week, you will learn about the continent of Australasia, where it is in the world, the different areas and in particular the animals that live there.

Week Beginning 30th March. In Growth Mindset, we have been looking at 'The Power of Yet' and being able to climb out of the learning pit. Here you will see a great story about The Power of Yet and have a go at an activity after listening to and reading it.

Week beginning Monday 30th March. This week is all about how we do not always need to use a musical instrument to make music. We can make music using our bodies.

Week beginning Monday 30th March -Computing this week is all about programming. Your child should understand that a computer follows an instruction ( algorithms) given and acts on this. You will need to try the website address given on the slides within a web browser to get your turtle to move. I had a play with this on Tuesday to make my turtle draw a square. Have fun!

For art this week beginning Monday 30th March . Have a read of this information all about spring and what the might look like. Can you then look or go outside to see what signs of spring you can find to create a piece of art work. Enjoy some fresh air and I hope the sun keeps shining for us. Have fun!

Art and Geography activity based on the antartic for week beginning Monday 23rd March

Growth Mindset / Personal , Social and Health education week beginning Monday 23rd March. This is all about being kind to one another.

Computing- week beginning 23rd March. Children are to use their knowledge of technology to identify ones that are in their home.

Music lesson for week beginning Monday 23rd March. Children will need to look at the descriptions of the instruments and work out what it is.

Geography for week beginning Monday 23rd March. Children will learn some facts about Africa. Then complete a task to research on the internet to see what else they can find out.
