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Here at Phoenix we want to model and educate our children on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. Our computing curriculum is designed around the National Curriculum and it ensures the progression from EYFS to Year 2, through computer science, information technology and digital literacy. The combination of these areas equips our children with the ability to safely and confidently use a computer and help our children become skillful computer scientists.

Our children begin their journey with technology in Early Years, with access to BeeBots and control cars. Teachers facilitate children’s curiosity with challenge and modelling how to use the equipment carefully and safely. Children also begin to learn about what it means to be safe online. In KS1 children continue their journey with the BeeBots, using them more precisely. They learn how to programme a BeeBot to reach a destination and begin to be able to debug when something doesn’t work out the way they imagined. They use chromebooks to learn how to log on and off a computer using their own username and password. They learn about online safety and what to do if they encounter something which makes them feel uncomfortable as well as what personal information is and why it is important we don’t share it with someone on the internet. Coding then progresses from BeeBots onto a computer-based programme. 

Autumn Term 2022

Spring Term 2023

Class 5 were learning all about the internet today, how it works and what we can use it for. We then had some time on the Chromebooks using the internet to conduct some research into different topics using an online encyclopaedia.

This summer term year 2 have started looking at spreadsheets. What they are used for and creating our own.

Year 2 are continuing our work on Spreadsheets. We are using a software called Purple Mash. We are learning lots of different skills such as how to cut and paste and drag.
