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At Phoenix Infant and Nursery school we endeavor to develop independent and creative learners who have the knowledge and skills they need to prepare them to succeed in the everchanging digital world.  Our aim is to model and educate our children on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. 



Our children begin their journey with technology in Early Years, with access to BeeBots, control cars and small group sessions on the Chrome books. They also have experience of technology in the world through resources and equipment within the role play areas.  Teachers facilitate children’s curiosity with challenge and modelling how to use the equipment carefully and safely. 


Our KS1 computing curriculum follows the Purple Mash program and covers the three main aspects of the National Curriculum: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.


Computer Science: Pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.

Information Technology: Pupils learn to use technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.

Digital Literacy: Pupils learn to use technology to express themselves and develop their ideas. 


Clear progression is built into the units of study which can be seen in detail on our Computing Progression Map below.  Units are taught termly and children have access to a variety of hardware and software including our class set of Chrome Books.


Online Safety forms an important part of the Computing Curriculum.  This is taught as a separate unit in all year groups as well as being covered throughout the year through Computing lessons, circle times and assemblies.   We strive for all children at Phoenix Infant and Nursery school to feel safe and secure when using the internet and know who to turn to for help when needed.



Summer Term 

Class 6 using chrome books to complete Angry Birds coding activities. We used vocabulary from our learning about positions and directions in maths.

Class 6 using Purple Mash to complete a pictogram.

Spring Term 

In Year 1 we have been using purple mash to understand how to create an ebook. We have been learning to add an animation and play the pages we have created.

Year 2 class 5 and 6 using purple mash to create code blocks to make objects move on a computer programme.

Year 2 class 6 Using Purple Mash to create their own news report on Amelia Earhart.

Autumn Term 

Year 2 using Purple Mash to send and receive emails from Barnaby Bear 🐻 within this lesson we also looked at sending attachments too.

Year 2 Class 6 using Purple Mash to complete an online safety quiz. Next week we will be creating our own quizzes about this. Hopefully this week will give us ideas 💡

Class 6 using Purple Mash to create their own Internet safety and online quiz using the software 2quiz.

Have a look at the display in Year 2, Class 5 showing what the children have learned this term about keeping safe online.
