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Class 6

Welcome to Class 6. My name is Miss Gossington and I am the class teacher. I work alongside the teachers in class 5 Mrs Bloom and Mrs Stuart. The teaching assistant in year 2 is Mrs Smith.  


Miss Gossington class 6 teacher 

Miss Gossington class 6 teacher
Mrs George Class 6 teaching

For winning the stars 🌟 in this final term of the year class 6 voted for extra play outside. We got lots of sports equipment out and had a really good time 👍🏻

Congratulations to Bella from class 6 for winning the local art competition. Bella came first place out of many schools and was very honoured to receive her award at the Gedling Gala at the weekend.

Summer 1

This half term our topic is 'Ready Steady Grow!'  This is a Science based topic where we will be learning all about plants and what they need to grow.  We will be conducting an experiment to see what happens if plants are deprived of water, heat or light. We will also be growing our own plants to take care of.

Attendance awards for the Spring term. Well done to these children who scored 97% or more. Also a great well done to our 100% children who also gained a badge with their certificate.

Happy World 🌍 Book 📕 day from class 6

Spring Term

Our topic in the Spring Term is Exciting Explorers! This is a history based topic where we will be learning all about the famous explorers Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart.  We will also be using map skills as part of our Geography unit to help us follow and plot trails around the school grounds as well as make and read maps.  Have a look below at our topic web to see all the exciting things we have planned.  Our brilliant beginnings letter will give you some ideas of activities the children can do to make a head start on the topic too!

Christmas party 🎉 🎈 Christmas dinner 🍽️ and pantomime day

97% attendance and above and 100% for the autumn 🍂 term. Well done to all these children

Autumn 2

In Autumn 2 our topic is 'Healthy Heroes'.  This is a Science based topic where we will be learning all about healthy eating, the importance of balanced diet and the different food groups.  We will also be thinking a lot about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy and the importance of exercise.  Have a look at our topic web and brilliant beginnings letter below to see some of the things we will be getting up to!

Autumn 1

This half term our topic is 'Around the world'. It is a geography based topic where we will be learning about the 5 oceans and the 7 continents.  We will be looking at the human and physical features of different continents and comparing and contrasting them.  Have a look at our topic web below to see some of the exciting things we have got planned.  Our brilliant beginnings letter also gives some ideas of some activities you can do at home to give your children a head start on the topic!
