Welcome to Foundation's Home Learning page!
You will find this weeks home learning activities as well as lots of other fun and exciting things to do!
You can use your home learning books to show us all the learning you have been doing.
Remember to have fun!
If you need us or have any learning or photos you would like to share please email office@phoenix.notts.sch.uk and they will be passed onto us
We can't wait to see and hear about everything you have been doing!
As we move into our last half term of the school year...
here are a few things we would like your child to be able to do by the end of Summer.
*Read the phase 3 phonemes
*Read phase 3 tricky words
*Form the letters of the alphabet correctly
*Blend and segment words
*Write a sentence which they can read
*Begin to have an awareness of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
*Count to 20
*Recognise numerals to 10
*Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes
*Add and subtract 2 single digit numbers
*Begin to solve practical problems, involving adding, subtracting, doubling, halving and different measures.
*Change into and out of PE kits independently
*Follow 2 step instructions, for example, put your jacket on and line up at the door.
*Tell someone how they feel, if they need help and know how they might be able to help themselves, by using Take 5, for example.
Below are some other learning links and activities
Oxford Owl has a great selection of ebooks. Some you may recognise from reading books we send home.
Phonics Play has lots of phonic games for you to play. Please use all the Phase 2 and 3 games
To sign in use the username:march20 and password:home
Crickweb has lots of maths games you can play.